Addressing the Fluxible Future of the Planet
We recognize that a fluxible approach to the future needs to be specific. Therefore, we consider identifying the following headings & how they become an integral part of the future for our planet. We recognize that our list and how it is interpreted will generate diverse opinions because our P8 is who we are and in turn, how we communicate effectively with the P8 of others. Our Introduction has provided a starting point for an in-depth discussion of how we live with a fluxible future. A future that is founded on Empathic values that we can support and practice in our communications with others.
We ALL have our own P8, which can be illustrated when we place each of the Ps inside a CIRCLE that has been divided into eight equal segments:
Once we have detailed our own P8 we can begin to consider how much common ground there is with the P8 of others on the above list at all levels. The comparisons/contrasts can then be addressed keeping in mind that We ALL share the same Planet. A fluxible future becomes an essential Empathic goal that cannot be ignored if we plan to stay here in the future. We have considered how this goal can be achieved using our philosophy. We are fully aware of the challenges that we face now. We have created a list of behavioral elements that our P8 profiles will need to address for our survival in a fluxible future.
Review this list carefully and begin outlining your responses in writing:
_ In order to
A follow up discussion is an important feature of the Fluddite approach to a